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单词:recuse & rescue
索引词:recuse & rescue
例文:(1) recuse [riˈkju:z] v.t. & v.i. ① to remove oneself as a judge in a particular case because of prejudice or a conflict of interest 回避;② to challenge or object to a judge as being disqualified from hearing a case because of prejudice or a conflict of interest 申请……回避。也就是说,recuse是指因法官与案件有利害关系或对案件持有偏见、成见,当事人申请其(或法官主动)不参与案件审理的程序。 recusal [riˈkju:zəl] n[C,U] 回避 [例1] The judge recused himself from that case, citing a possible conflict of interest. 法官以自己可能与案件存在利害冲突为理由,回避了这起案件。 [例2] The defendant filed a motion to recuse the trial judge on the grounds that the judge’s wife was the plaintiff’s in-house counsel. 被告递交了申请庭审法官回避的动议,理由是这位法官的妻子是原告的企业法律顾问。 [例3] Art. 12. - Recusal of Judges. 第十二条 法官回避 (1) Upon motion by any party involved in the case, or upon his own motion, any judge scheduled to hear matters at the pre-trial, trial or appeal stages of a case shall recuse himself from participation in any proceedings in which: 经案件的任何当事人提出申请,或经预定在案件的审前、庭审或上诉阶段聆讯事宜的法官主动申请,该法官应当回避,不再参加有下列情形的程序: (a) he has a personal interest; 他具有个人利害关系; (b) he is a relative of any person involved; 他是涉案人员的亲属; (c) he has had prior substantial involvement in the case; or 他先前实质性介入该案;或者 (d) for any other reason his impartiality in the proceeding might reasonably be called into question. 按理可以对他在该程序中的公正性产生质疑的任何其他因由。
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