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单词:sanction & sanctity 在法律文件中,sanction作为名词和动词,有两个相去甚远的意思:制裁/处罚和批准。具体是哪个意思,要结合语境判断。我们首先看一看《布莱克法律词典》给出的定义:
索引词:sanction & sanctity
例文:(1) 在法律文件中,sanction作为名词和动词,有两个相去甚远的意思:制裁/处罚和批准。具体是哪个意思,要结合语境判断。我们首先看一看《布莱克法律词典》给出的定义: sanction [ˈsæŋkʃən] ① n[U] official approval or authorization 批准; ② n[C] a penalty or coercive measure that results from failure to comply with a law, rule, or order 处罚; ③ n[C] an economic or military coercive measure taken by one or more countries toward another to force it to comply with international law 制裁 v.t. ① to approve, authorize, or support 批准,认可;② to penalize by imposing a sanction 制裁,处罚 注意:实施制裁 impose sanctions on 解除制裁 lift sanctions 关于“制裁或处罚”这个义项: [例1] The Romanian Parliament adopted the Law No. 197 from November 13, 2000, for the amendment of some provisions of the Penal Code. For the first time in the Romanian legislation express provisions related to the sanction of family violence acts were sanctioned. 罗马尼亚议会从2000年11月13日起通过了第197号法律,该法对《刑法典》的部分条文作了修订。罗马尼亚立法关于惩治家庭暴力行为的明文规定得到批准,这还是第一次。(在这个例句中同时使用了sanction的两个义项) [例2] Each State Party shall, in particular, ensure that legal persons held liable in accordance with this article are subject to effective, proportionate and dissuasive criminal or non-criminal sanctions, including monetary sanctions. 各缔约国均应当特别确保使依照本条应当承担责任的法人受到有效、适度而且具有警戒性的刑事或者非刑事制裁,包括金钱制裁。 [例3] The Committee urges the State party to take effective measures to accelerate and increase the representation of women in elected and appointed bodies, including through a possible change in the election law or the use of incentives or sanctions for fulfilment of the obligation of local and central public authorities to reach “equitable and balanced representation of women and men” as proclaimed in the Law on Equal Opportunities Between Women and Men. 委员会敦促该缔约国采取有效措施,增加妇女在民选机构和任命机构的任职人数,并加快这方面的步伐,其中包括采取可能修改选举法或使用奖励或处罚等手段来促进实现男女机会均等法所宣布在地方或中央政府当局“男女任职人数必须公平均衡”目标。
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