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单词:result from sth 因……发生,由于……导致
例文:[例5] It may just be a desperate effort to protect “stated-owned assets”, which is exactly the phrase used in the Civil Complaint, resulting from the lack of commercial prudence on the part of the two Companies in protecting their own interest. 在《民事起诉书》中使用的说法恰好是“国有资产”,内地诉讼程序中的上述举动也许正是孤注一掷地设法保护“国有资产”,而之所以采取上述举动,乃是这两家公司保护自身利益时在商业上不够慎重所致。 [例6] Where the Court makes an order under subsection (4), it may make such further order as it thinks fit with respect to any additional costs of the arbitration resulting from its order. 凡高等法院根据本条第(4)款发布命名,对于因该命令产生的额外仲裁费用,高等法院可以签发它认为合适的进一步的命令。 [例7] Subject to the provisions of the Ordinance, if any prosecution, action or suit at law be commenced against any member or members of the Board or any officer, servant or agent of the Foundation for anything done by them in the proper or reasonable discharge of their duties, such person or persons shall be defended and indemnified by and at the cost of the Foundation from all damages, costs and expenses which may be incidental to or result from such prosecution, action or suit at law and the property and funds of the Foundation may be applied for such purpose as may be directed by the Board from time to time provided, however, that none of such funds shall be applied either directly or indirectly in payment of the whole or part of any fine or penalty imposed upon any person by sentence or order of a Court. 在不违反《条例》的规定的情况下,如果理事会的任何一位或多位成员或者基金会的任何高级管理人员、雇员或代理人,由于他们在适当或者合理地履行其职责过程中所作的事情而被提起刑事诉讼或者受到普通法起诉,基金会应当自行负担费用为上述人员辩护并且给予他们赔偿,使他们免于承受此类刑事诉讼或普通法诉讼可能附带产生的或者由此类刑事诉讼或普通法诉讼引起的所有损害、支出和费用,基金会的财产和资金可以用于理事会不时指定的目的,但是,上述资金不得直接或者间接用于支付由法院针对任何人判决或者裁定的全部或者部分罚款或者罚金。
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