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单词:remit [riˈmit] v.t. ① 汇款; ② 将……移交;③ 减刑 [ˈri:mit] n[C] 权限 remittance [riˈmitəns] n[C,U] 汇款 remission [riˈmiʃən] n[U] (疾病)减轻;(刑罚)减轻;宽恕(罪责)
例文:[例1] The New Lender shall pay to the Agent (for its own account) a fee of US$2,000 (the “Transfer Fee”). The Transfer Fee shall be remitted to an account designated by the Agent on the date on which the Transfer Certificate is delivered to the Agent pursuant to Clause 21.5(a) (Procedure for transfer). 新贷款人应当付给代理行一笔金额为贰千美元的费用(“转让费”)(新贷款人自行负担该笔费用)。转让费应当在依照第21.5(a)条(让与程序)将《转让证明》交给代理行之日汇入由代理行指定的一个账户。 [例2] XYZ sought an order that this court should determine the purchase price of its one share in the Company on the correct basis with no order for damages, alternatively that the valuation of the Company be remitted to another judge for re-trial. XYZ请求法院颁下命令,饬令本庭根据正确的办法裁定它对xx公司拥有的一个股份的购买价格,并且不作出支付损害赔偿金的法官命令;或者将xx公司评估事宜移交另一位法官重新审理。 [例3] At KKK’s request, CCC shall process remittance in timely manner of the principal of QFII investment quota or the after-tax returns from investment in Securities, subject to compliance with Applicable Laws and this Agreement. CCC应当按照KKK的要求,及时汇兑合格境外机构投资者投资份额的本金或者源于证券投资的税后收入,CCC办理上述汇款业务应当遵守适用法律和本协议。 [例4] The exchange rate used for the remittance mentioned above shall be the exchange rate agreed by both Parties in writing, or, where there is no such agreement, the basic exchange rate published by the People’s Bank of China on the date of remittance. 前款所称办理汇款的汇率应当是双方当事人书面约定的汇率,或者,如果双方当事人没有达成书面协议,应当是中国人民银行在汇款日公布的基准汇率。 [例5] CCC shall keep or cause to be kept the books, records, reports and other relevant materials regarding transaction, remittance, exchange, receipt, payment, and transfers of funds. CEB shall provide KKK or any other authorized person with information as agreed by the Parties. CCC应当保存与资金的交易、汇款、兑换、收款、支付和转移有关的账簿、记录、报告和其他相关资料,或促使它们得到保存。CCC应当向KKK或者其他得到授权的人提供双方当事人约定的信息。 [例6] Remittances have become significant private financial resources for households in countries of origin of migration. Remittances cannot be considered as a substitute for FDI, ODA, debt relief or other public sources of finance development. They are typically wages transferred to families mainly to meet part of the needs of the recipient households. The manner of their disposal or deployment is an individual choice. A large proportion of migrants’ incomes is spent in destination countries and constitutes an important stimulus to domestic demand in their economies. 侨汇已成为外劳原籍国社区的重要私人资金来源。不应将侨汇视为可替代官方发展援助、减免债务、外国直接投资或其他公共的发展资金来源。侨汇是汇给家人的所得工资,主要用于消费。如何利用和安排这类钱完全是个人选择。 [例7] Remit of UNODC Secretariat 联合国毒品和犯罪问题办事处(UNODC) 秘书处的职权范围 The secretariat should be responsible for managing the timescales of the review process. It should be actively involved in facilitation of meetings and discussions between the reviewed state and reviewers. It shall assist in the collation of the reports into a summary for use by the Conference. The option for the UNODC to attend country visits should be available where it is clear that on a cost/benefit analysis such attendance will add value to the process. 秘书处应当负责管理审查过程的时间安排。秘书处应当积极参与筹备受审查国家与审查人员之间的会议和讨论。秘书处将协助将报告整理成供缔约国会议使用的概要。如果对于联合国毒品和犯罪问题办事处(UNODC)而言,根据成本/收益分析,参与国家巡查将增加审查过程的价值,那么它应当有权选择参加国家巡查。 [例8] Remit of reviewers 审查人员的职权范围 The reviewers shall act as independent experts under the Convention regardless of the State which provides them. They shall review any state in accordance with the express aims set out in the finalised terms of reference and in particular paying close attention to the resolutions passed by Conference on the aim and scope of the review and article 1 of the Convention. They shall carry their function in a fair and objective manner with a view to devising constructive dialogue for developing a states practice and implementation of the Convention. Any information provided to reviewers shall be considered confidential. 审查人员不论是由哪个国家/地区派遣的,都应当根据《公约》充当独立专家。他们应当根据最终商定的职权范围中阐述的明确目标,对任何国家进行审查,他们尤其应当密切关注缔约国会议通过的关于审查目的和审查范围的决议,以及《公约》第1条的规定。他们应当公平、客观地履行职责,以便为拟定某种做法和实施《公约》构思建设性对话。向审查人员提供的信息均被视为机密信息。
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