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单词:disburse [disˈbɜ:s] v.t. to pay out money, commonly from a fund or in settlement of a debt or account payable 支付,拨付 disbursement [disˈbɜ:smənt] n[C,U] The act of paying out money, commonly from a fund or in settlement of a debt or account payable
例文:[例1] FESCO is responsible for the detailed service executions, e.g. salary package calculation, payoff, risk fee collection and disbursement, and dispatched employee master file management. FESCO负责详尽地履行服务,例如薪资福利的计算,员工工资表,风险金的收取和支出,以及派遣雇员主体档案管理。 [例2] Compensation payment should be fully disbursed to dispatched employees in maternity leaves. 对于休产假的派遣雇员应当足额支付补偿款。 [例3] The aforementioned fees are exclusive of VAT and any expenses associated with our services. In this respect, we charge (indiscriminately) a fixed amount for office disbursements at a rate of 6% of the total amount of fees invoiced. Non-office expenses, such as travel, translation and courier expenses, are invoiced as they are incurred (with VAT if applicable). 前述收费不含增值税以及与本所提供的服务有关的任何费用。在这个问题上,本所按照发票所列律师费总金额的6%(不加区别地)收取一笔固定金额的垫付办公费用。本所按照实际垫付的非办公费用(如差旅费、翻译费和信使费)开具发票(如需缴纳增值税,则连同增值税一并开具发票)。 [例4] Lack of legal agreements to regulate the risk fee payments and lack of clear criteria of risk fee compensation coverage may lead to disputes on the amounts of the risk fees billed by FESCO to the Company, as well as disagreements regarding the area of disbursements of collected risk fees from FESCO to dispatched staff. 缺乏规管风险金支付的法定协议,而且缺乏风险金补偿内容的明确标准,可能导致对FESCO向公司收取的风险金的数额产生纠纷,并且对于FESCO从已经收取的风险金中向派遣员工支付多少款项发生争议。 (2) reimbursement [ˌri:imˈbɜ:smənt] n[C,U] 偿还 reimburse [ˌriːimˈbɜːs] v.t. 付还;补偿;偿付 [例5] CCC is entitled to reimburse reasonable out-of-pocket and incidental expenses. CCC有权报销合理的实付费用和杂费。 [例6] Each Party to the Contract hereby waives any of its claims, in particular for compensation and/or reimbursement, and any and all other rights under that Contract. 《合同》的每一方当事人特此放弃它根据《合同》享有的任何请求权,尤其是要求获得赔偿和/或偿付的请求权,以及根据《合同》享有的任何和所有其他权利。 [例7] The Parties hereby agree that the payment of the amount of CNY 52,844,000.00 to be made by the Tenant as set out in Clause 3 of the Letter Agreement (the "Fee Payment") has been made and the Parent has been fully reimbursed for all USD-nominated funds already paid in accordance with the IA as set out in paragraph 2 of Clause 2 of the Letter Agreement. 三方当事人特此约定,承租人已经支付按照《书面协议》第3条的规定其应当支付的人民币52,844,000.00元(“费用”),母公司依照IA已经支付的所有采用美元标价的资金已经按照《书面协议》第2条第2款得到充分偿付。 [例8] If at any time the Company fails to perform any of its obligations under Clause 9.1, and the Onshore Security Agent chooses to indemnify the Affected Person concerned against any loss which it incurs as a result of such failure, the Company agrees on demand to reimburse the Onshore Security Agent for any amount paid by it pursuant to this Clause 9.2 together with interest thereon from the date of such demand until reimbursement at a rate equal to that payable (if it were treated as an unpaid sum) from time to time on sums due (but unpaid) by the Company under Clause 10 (Default Interest and Indemnity) of the Term Loan Facility Agreement. 如果公司在任何时候不能履行其依据上文第9.1条承担的义务,而且国内担保代理人决定向有关受影响者给予赔偿,使有关受影响者豁免由于公司不能履行上述义务致使有关受影响者遭受的损失,公司同意根据要求向国内担保代理人偿还国内担保代理人依照本《协议》第9.2条支付的款项,以及从国内担保代理人提出上述要求之日起至公司向国内担保代理人偿还之日为止,上述款项所孳生的利息,利息的利率等于公司根据《定期贷款协议》第10条(违约和赔偿)对于到期(但尚未支付的)款项(假若国内担保代理人依照本《协议》第9.2条支付的款项被视为尚未偿还款项)不时应当支付的利息。
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