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单词:pretext [ˈpri:tekst] n[C] 借口,托词
例文:[例9] The occupying authorities in Crimea use multiple pretexts for persecution and discrimination against those who oppose annexation. Religion, political position and identity are the most frequently used ones. 克里米亚境内的占领当局采取各种借口迫害和歧视那些反对吞并的人。最常用的借口是宗教、政治见解和身分。 [例10] The seller refused to pay damages on the pretext of his ignorance of any flooding history, which the buyer claimed to be a flimsy pretext in that he had found a photograph the seller posted on Facebook showing the very same property in poor condition immediately after a flood. 卖方借口不知晓房产以前被水淹过,拒绝支付损害赔偿金,但买方称这条借口站不住脚,因为他发现卖方曾经在脸书上贴出一张照片,显示一场洪水刚刚过后这座房产一片狼藉的样子。 [例11] It was disturbing that some Governments, in contravention of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, were stifling the voices of human rights defenders, non-governmental organizations and journalists under the pretext of combating terrorism, violent extremism and separatism. 有些国家的政府借口打击恐怖主义、暴力极端主义和分离主义,违反《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》的规定,压制人权维护者、非政府组织和新闻记者的呼声,这种现象令人担忧。
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