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单词:context [ˈkɒntɛkst] n[C] ① 背景,情境;② 上下文,语境
contextual [kənˈtɛkstʃuəl] adj. ① 背景的,情境的;② 上下文的,与语境有关的
contextually [kənˈtɛkstʃuəli] adv.
contextualize [kənˈtekstʃuəˌlaiz] v.t. ① 考虑…的情境或背景;② 将…置于上下文中考虑;结合语境理解…
Unless the terms or the context of this Agreement otherwise provide, the following capitalized terms in this Agreement shall have the meanings set forth below. 本协议中下列以楷体字显示的用语具有下文列明的的含义,除非本协议的条款或语境另有规定。
References to any agreement or document herein shall be a reference to the same as from time to time varied in any manner whatsoever and any other agreements or documents from time to time executed supplemental or in addition thereto or in substitution therefor unless the context otherwise requires. 除非本协议的语境另有规定,本协议中所称之协议或文件指随时以各种方式变更的协议或文件以及随时签署的补充、附加或替代协议或者文件。
Unless the context otherwise requires or permits, references to the singular shall include references to the plural and vice versa and words denoting any particular gender shall include all genders. 除非上下文另外要求或允许,否则单数形式应包括复数形式,反之亦然,表示任何特定性别的词语应包含所有性别。
References herein to amounts in any currency shall, unless the context otherwise requires, include references to the equivalent in any other currency. 本《运营协议》中所称以任何货币计量的金额,除非上下文另有要求,应当包括以任何其他货币计量的等值金额在内。
We commit to developing more inclusive, responsive and resilient education systems to meet the needs of children, youth and adults in these contexts, including internally displaced persons and refugees. 我们承诺发展更加包容、更具反应力和复原力的教育系统,以满足这些局势下的儿童、青年和成人的需求,包括境内流离失所者和难民的需求。
There was a need for equitable and genuinely diverse geographic representation in the treaty bodies, to ensure that countries with different legal systems and regional, cultural, religious and political contexts were fairly represented and that those bodies were not dominated by representatives of the developed countries. 要确保公允地代表具有不同法律体系和区域、文化、宗教及政治背景的国家的利益,确保人权条约机构不会被发达国家的代表所控制,人权条约机构中各地域的代表必须实现公平和真正多样性。
"Loan" means, as the context requires, the lump sum loan made or to be made under the Facility or the principal amount outstanding at any time of that loan. “贷款”按照具体语境的要求,是指根据融资安排提供或将要提供的一次总付贷款,或者是指该贷款在任何时候尚未偿还的本金额度。
Any provision of the Agreement which by its context is intended to apply after termination of the Agreement will survive its termination. 根据本协议某个条款的上下文,该条款的目的是在本协议终止以后适用,则该条款将在终止协议以后继续有效。