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单词:contemplate [ˈkɒntəmpleit] v.t. 考虑,打算,估量,盘算,预料,预计进行 contemplate doing sth contemplate 后面加上what/whether/how 等疑问代词或疑问副词
例文:[例1] This Agreement is made under and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China. 本协议依照中华人民共和国的法律订立,并应当依照该法进行解释。 [例2] Any reference in this Agreement to a statute shall be construed as a reference to such statute as the same may have been, or may from time to time be, amended or re-enacted.本协议中所称制定法应当被解释为所称的是可能已经修订或重新制定或者可能不时地修订或重新制定的制定法。 [例3] No provision of the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 (title IX of Public Law 106-387) shall be construed to limit or otherwise affect section 2339A or 2339B of title 18, United States Code. 对于《2000年贸易制裁改革与促进出口法》(第106-387号公法第九编)任何规定的解释不应当限制或者以其他方式妨碍《美国法典》第18编第2339A条或者第2339B条。 [例4] Any provision of this Act held to be invalid or unenforceable by its terms, or as applied to any person or circumstance, shall be construed so as to give it the maximum effect permitted by law, unless such holding shall be one of utter invalidity or unenforceability, in which event such provision shall be deemed severable from this Act and shall not affect the remainder thereof or the application of such provision to other persons not similarly situated or to other, dissimilar circumstances. 倘若本法某个条文的规定被判定无效或者无法强制执行,或者该条文在适用于某人或者某种情况的时候被判定无效或者无法强制执行,对于该条文的解释应当赋予其法律允许的最大效力,除非该条文被判定完全无效或者完全无法强制执行;在这种情况下,应当视为该条文可以与本法分离,本法其余条文的效力不受影响,该条文适用于不同地方的其他人或者其他不同情况的时候,它的效力亦不受影响。 [例5] STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION. Nothing in this section, or in any other law, shall be construed to limit the authority of the Attorney General or the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to provide access to the criminal history record information contained in the National Crime Information Center's (NCIC) Interstate Identification Index (NCIC-III), or to any other information maintained by the NCIC, to any Federal agency or officer authorized to enforce or administer the immigration laws of the United States, for the purpose of such enforcement or administration, upon terms that are consistent with the National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Act of 1998 (subtitle A of title II of Public Law 105-251; 42 U.S.C. 14611-16) and section 552a of title 5, United States Code. 法定解释。美国司法部长或者美国联邦调查局局长有权允许被授权执行或者实施美国移民法律的联邦机构或者官员为了执行或者实施美国移民法律,按照与《1998年国家预防犯罪和保护隐私协议法》(第105-251号公法第二编甲分编;《美国法典》第42编第14611-16条)和《美国法典》第5编第552a条的规定一致的条件,查阅国家犯罪信息中心(NCIC)州际识别索引(NCIC-III)中记载的犯罪记录信息或者查阅国家犯罪信息中心保存的其他信息。对于本条的任何规定或者其他法律的任何规定的解释不应限制美国司法部长或者美国联邦调查局局长的这种权力。 [例6] The Contractor and the sub-contractor(s), if any, shall have the status of an independent contractor vis-à-vis the Employer. The Contract Documents shall not be construed to create any contractual relationship of any kind between the Engineer and the Contractor, but the Engineer shall, in the exercise of his duties and powers under the Contract, be entitled to performance by the Contractor of its obligations, and to enforcement thereof. Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relationship between the Employer or the Engineer and any subcontractor(s) of the Contractor. 承包人和分包人(如有)应拥有相对于雇主的独立缔约人身份。合同文件不应被解释为在工程师和承包人之间创设任何契约关系,但是工程师在依照合同行使其职责和权力时,应有权要求承包人履行义务,并且有权强制承包人履行义务。合同文件的规定不应在雇主或工程师与承包人的任何分包人之间创设任何契约关系。 [例7] The submission to the jurisdiction of the courts referred to in Clause 10.2 (English courts) shall not (and shall not be construed so as to) limit the right of any Finance Party to take Proceedings in any other court of competent jurisdiction nor shall the taking of Proceedings in any one or more jurisdictions preclude the taking of Proceedings in any other jurisdiction (whether concurrently or not) if and to the extent permitted by applicable law. 接受第10.2条所称法院(英格兰法院)管辖,不限制(而且不应被解释为限制)融资当事人在其他具有合法管辖权的法院提起诉讼的权利;在可以适用的法律允许的范围内,在一个或者多个管辖区域提起诉讼,不应排除在其他管辖区域提起诉讼(无论是否同时)。 [例8] All disputes between the Parties in connection with or arising out of the existence, validity, construction, performance and termination of this Agreement (or any terms thereof), which the Parties are unable to resolve between themselves, shall be referred to and finally settled by Beijing Arbitration Commission, The arbitration shall be held in Beijing in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of such commission and language of arbitration shall be Chinese. 由本协议(或者本协议的任何条款)的存续、效力、解释、履行和终止所产生的双方当事人之间无法自行解决的所有纠纷,应当提请北京市仲裁委员会予以最终裁决。仲裁应依照北京市仲裁委员会的仲裁规则在北京市进行,仲裁活动所使用的语言为中文。
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