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单词:address & redress
索引词:address & redress
address [əˈdrɛs] n[C] ① 地址;② 演讲;v.t. ① 在(信封或包裹)上写明地址;② 对……讲话,给……写信;③ 解决,处理,应付
addressee [ˌædreˈsi:] n[C] 收信人;收件人;收讯者
All communications shall be sent to the parties hereto at their respective addresses as set forth in writing at the time of this Agreement or at such other address as the Parties may designate by ten (10) days advance written notice to the other Parties. 所有通信应当按照签订本协议时以书面方式列明的各方当事人的地址或者按照双方当事人提前十(10)天书面通知对方的其他地址送交各该当事人。
The Draft Measures should address the protection of intellectual property in technical committees which are developing standards. 《征求意见稿》应当解决制定标准的技术委员会保护知识产权问题。
Mr. XXX produced an expert report addressing that issue and he valued the Company as at 11 September 2018 at between US$11.4 million and US$15.2 million. 某某先生出具了一份处理该争点的专家报告,他估计截至2018年9月11日,这家公司的价值在1 140万美元至1 520万美元之间。
It is not strictly necessary to address these arguments, as I have come to the view that the award of damages in the Order should be set aside. 我已经形成《法官命令》中的损害赔偿裁决应当撤销的看法,因此完全没有必要探讨这些论点。
To address this concern, we suggest that a similar approach in China would help China reach its goals for NEV adoption without significant market disruption. 为解决这个问题,我们建议中国实行类似的做法,这将有助于中国实现采用新能源汽车的目标,又不会给市场造成重大干扰。
We commit with a sense of urgency to a single, renewed education agenda that is holistic, ambitious and aspirational, leaving no one behind. This new vision is fully captured by the proposed SDG 4 “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” and its corresponding targets. It is transformative and universal, attends to the ‘unfinished business’ of the EFA agenda and the education-related MDGs, and addresses global and national education challenges. 我们怀着紧迫意识,承诺要制定一个全面的、有雄心、有追求、不放弃任何人的单一和更新的教育议程。这一新愿景完全体现在了拟议的可持续发展目标4(“为所有人确保包容、公平的优质教育并促进终身学习机会”)及其相关具体目标之中。新愿景既具有变革性也具有普遍性,致力于全民教育议程和与教育有关的千年发展目标的“未竞事业”,应对全球和国家的教育挑战。
A notice may be served by the Foundation upon any Member by personal delivery at or by sending it through the post to the address of the Members appearing in the Register (which shall be an address in Hong Kong) and, in the case of the service of notice by post, it shall be deemed to have been served on the third day following that on which the letter containing the same is put in the post. In proving such service, it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope containing the notice was properly addressed in accordance with this Article and put in the post office as a prepaid letter. 基金会可以采取专人递送方式将通知送达任何会员或者通过邮寄方式将通知寄到《登记簿》上列明的会员地址(该地址应当是香港境内的地址)。如果采用邮寄方式送达通知,在将装有通知的函件在邮局投递之后第三天,应当视为通知已经送达。在证明邮寄送达时,只要证明已经依照本条的规定,在装有通知的信封上正确书写收件人姓名、地址并将其作为预付邮费的信件在邮局投递,即为充分证明。