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单词:notwithstanding [ˌnɔtwiθˈstændiŋ] adv & prep (formal)
例文:[例5] Notwithstanding the foregoing, and with respect to any item of Disclosed Technology, the license granted in this Section 2.1 is subject to the limitations, if any, set out in Exhibit A with respect to that item. 虽然存在前述规定,如果附录A对于公开技术的任何项目作出限制规定,第2.1条授予的许可应遵守附录A对于该项目的限制规定。 [例6] Notwithstanding Clause 4.2, a financial institution providing the debt financing for the Project (the “Senior Lender”) and its legal successor shall have the option to assume any and all rights and obligations under this Contract (the "Step-in Right"). 尽管有第4.2条的规定,为项目提供债务融资的金融机构(“高级贷款人”)及其合法继任者有权选择取得本合同之下的一切权利和义务(“介入权”)。 [例7] The obligations of both Parties as to disclosure and confidentiality shall continue in force for a period of at least 10 years from the date of disclosure notwithstanding the termination of this Contract for whatever reason. 不论本合同因何种原因而终止,双方当事人应当在从披露之日起的至少十年期间内继续承担披露和保密义务。 [例8] Upon termination of this Agreement, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the Representative / Distributor shall be entitled to the payment of commissions under this Agreement only with respect to purchase orders placed with the Company by the Representative / Distributor prior to the termination of this Agreement resulting in the shipment of Products so ordered no later than 12 months after the termination of this Agreement, but in no event shall the Representative / Distributor be entitled to the payment of any commissions with respect to shipments of Products occurring more than twelve months after termination of this Agreement. 在本协议终止后,即便本协议存在相反的规定,对于代理人/经销商在本协议终止之前向公司发出的订货单,仅在所订购产品在本协议终止之后不迟于十二个月装运时,代理人/经销商方可享受本协议所规定的佣金,但是对于本协议终止后十二个月之后装运的产品,代理人/经销商无权享受佣金。 [例9] Notwithstanding subsection (1), the parties may agree to exclude the jurisdiction of the Court under this section and an agreement to dispense with reasons for the arbitral tribunal’s award shall be treated as an agreement to exclude the jurisdiction of the Court under this section. 不论本条第(1)款作出怎样的规定,双方当事人可以约定排除高等法院根据本条享有的管辖权。双方当事人可以约定,凡协议规定无须说明仲裁庭作出仲裁裁决的理由,该协议应被视为一项排除高等法院根据本条享有的管辖权的协议。
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