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单词:result in & result from
这两个短语在法律文件中使用频率非常高,很容易混淆,可以这样大致区分它们:result in 这个短语,是原因在前,结果在后。result from这个短语,是结果在前,原因在后。下面我们结合例句体会这两个短语的用法。
索引词:result in & result from
例文:这两个短语在法律文件中使用频率非常高,很容易混淆,可以这样大致区分它们:result in 这个短语,是原因在前,结果在后。result from这个短语,是结果在前,原因在后。下面我们结合例句体会这两个短语的用法。
result in sth/doing sth 导致
As a Developer and Realtor for the Company, Mr. W has developed, marketed and sold numerous developments resulting in sales well over $200 million over the past 10 years. 作为公司的一位开发商和房地产经纪人,W先生在以往十年里开发、营销和出售了大量地产项目,使销售额大大超过两亿美元。
As the Hong Kong court has no control over the conduct of the case by the plaintiffs in the Mainland proceedings, it may result in grave injustice to the plaintiff here if the court were to stay the Hong Kong proceedings. 由于香港法院无法掌控内地诉讼程序的各该原告人处理案件的做法,假如本庭中止香港诉讼程序,就可能给本案原告人造成严重不公正。
Additionally, PHEVs provide households with greater travel flexibility due to the ability to utilize current refueling infrastructure. This allows consumers to become familiar with vehicle battery charging, which we expect to result in increased BEV adoption in the future. 另外,插电式混合动力汽车能够利用现有的燃料补给基础设施,从而使家庭可以更灵活地出行。这使消费者能够熟悉如何给汽车电池充电,我们预计这样就会促使消费者今后更多地采用纯电动车。
Application for membership shall be made in such form as the Board may from time to time determine. Every application for admission shall be considered by the Board and may be acceded to or refused at its absolute discretion, provided always that no person shall be admitted to membership if such admission would result in the number of Members exceeding the maximum number of Members for the time being authorized. 凡申请成为基金会的会员,应当按照理事会不时决定的方式提出申请。理事会将审议每一份入会申请,并且自行酌情应允或者拒绝申请,但是需要始终遵守的条件是,如果接纳某人入会有可能导致会员人数超过当时核定的会员最高人数,则理事会不接纳此人入会。