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单词:prescribe [priˈskraib] v.t. ① to say what medicine or treatment a sick person should have 为……开药或开处方:prescribe sb sth, prescribe sth for sth ② to dictate, ordain, or direct; to establish authoritatively (as a rule or guideline) 规定,制定; ③ to claim ownership through prescription 因时效经过而取得所有权 ④ to invalidate or otherwise make unenforceable through prescription 因时效经过而使权利失效或无法强制执行 prescription [priˈskripʃən] ① n[C] 药方,处方;② n[C] 处方上开的药;③ n[C] 秘诀,诀窍;④ n[C,U] 制定,规定;制定或规定的规则;⑤ n[C,U] 因时效经过而取得或消灭(的权利)
例文:[例1] The doctor gave him a prescription for antihypertensive drugs. 大夫给他开过降压药。 [例2] The controlled substance may be available on prescription subject to prior approval by relevant authorities. 这种管制物质须事先经相关部门批准后方可凭处方购买。 [例3] To accuse the president of racial discrimination has been her sole prescription for social diseases of today. 她解决当今社会弊病只有一招,就是指责总统种族歧视。 prescriptive [priˈskriptiv] adj. ① saying how something should or must be done, or what should be done 指定的,规定的;② 因时效经过而取得或消灭的 [例4] Prescriptive right is a right obtained by prescription. For example, after a nuisance has been continuously in existence for 20 years, a prescriptive right to continue it is acquired as an easement appurtenant to the land on which it exists. 时效权利是指根据时效获得的权利。例如,一种滋扰在一块土地上连续不断地存在了二十年以后,就取得了以从属于这块土地的地役权形式继续这种滋扰的时效权利。 [例5] Normally, the lease will be fairly prescriptive in this regard, with the insurance proceeds paid into a trust to ensure they are used for their intended purpose. 租约在这方面通常会相当规范,规定将保险收益付给信托,以确保将它们用于原定用途。 prescribed [priˈskraibd] adj. ① 处方上写明的; ② 规定的 [例6] One of the inconvenience of travelling with a tour group is following a prescribed itinerary. 跟团旅行的一个不便之处是按规定行程作息。 [例7] Several prescribed drugs for depression have been abused beyond a certain level. 滥用几种治疗抑郁症的处方药的现象已经比较严重了。 prescription drug n[C] 处方药 over-the-counter drug n[C] 非处方药 [例8] The healthcare specialist prescribed him wildly overpriced medicines which proved to be ineffective. 保健专家给他开了贵的离谱的药物,结果没什么疗效。 [例9] The drugs prescribed for his osteoporosis have adverse effects on his stomach. 为治疗他的骨质疏松症开的药物对他的胃有副作用。 [例10] Paragraph (1) shall not apply with respect to any employee who is a highly compensated employee (within the meaning of section 414(q) of title 26 [the Internal Revenue Code of 1986]) to the extent provided in regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury for purposes of precluding discrimination in favor of highly compensated employees within the meaning of subchapter D of chapter 1 of title 26 [the Internal Revenue Code of 1986]. 如果某位雇员属于(第26编第414(q)条[《1986年国内税收法典》]所指的)报酬丰厚的雇员,对于[《1986年国内税收法典》]第26编第1章D节所指的报酬丰厚的雇员,存在有利于该雇员的差别待遇,在财政部长为了排除这种差别待遇而制定的条例所规定的范围内,对该雇员不适用第(1)段的规定。 [例11] Any regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to clause (v) of section 411(b)(1)(H) of title 26 [the Internal Revenue Code of 1986] and subparagraphs (C) and (D) of section 411(b)(2) of title 26 [the Internal Revenue Code of 1986] shall apply with respect to the requirements of this subsection in the same manner and to the same extent as such regulations apply with respect to the requirements of such sections 411(b)(1)(H) and 411(b)(2). 财政部长依照第26编第411(b)(1)(H)条(v)目[《1986年国内税收法典》]和第26编第411(b)(2)条(C)项及(D)项[《1986年国内税收法典》]制定的任何条例,以何种方式,在何种范围内,适用于以上第411(b)(1)(H)条和第411(b)(2)条的要求,这些条例就应当以相同的方式,在相同的范围内,适用于本款的要求。 [例12] In applying the retirement benefit test of paragraph (1) of this subsection, if any such retirement benefit is in a form other than a straight life annuity (with no ancillary benefits), or if employees contribute to any such plan or make rollover contributions, such benefit shall be adjusted in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, after consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, so that the benefit is the equivalent of a straight life annuity (with no ancillary benefits) under a plan to which employees do not contribute and under which no rollover contributions are made. 在应用本款第(1)段的退休福利测试时,如果此类退休福利采用除终身定额年金(没有附带福利)以外的其它形式,或者如果雇员为此类计划缴纳款项或者进行滚动式缴纳,此类福利应当依照平等就业机会委员会与财政部部长协商之后规定的条例进行调整,以便使此类福利等于雇员无须缴纳款项而且不进行滚动式缴纳的计划之下的终身定额年金(没有附带福利)。 [例13] Attorney's fees. - If the presidential appointee is the prevailing party in a proceeding under this section, attorney's fees may be allowed by the court in accordance with the standards prescribed under section 706(k) of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e-5(k)). 律师费。 如果总统任命的人是根据本条启动的诉讼程序中的胜诉方,法院可以依照《1964年民权法》第706(k)条(《美国法典》第42编第2000e-5(k)条)规定的标准判决律师费的负担。
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