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单词:other than 是介词,与except是同义词,意思是“除……以外”。
索引词:other than
例文:other than 是介词,与except是同义词,意思是“除……以外”。
Business Day means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or statutory holiday on which banks in Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, are open for business. 营业日是指在卢森堡大公国卢森堡市,除星期六、星期日或者法定节假日以外,银行对外营业之日。
Other than in relation to Extraordinary Management Matters and an increase in the authorised capital a General Meeting shall deliberate in accordance with the quorum and majority requirements provided for in New Jersey law. Fractions of Shares are not entitled to a vote. 股东大会应当依照新泽西州法律规定的法定人数和半数以上要求审议事务,但涉及特别管理事项和增加核定资本的事务除外。不足一股的股份不享有表决权。
Each Shareholder undertakes that it shall, to the extent reasonably possible and within its powers, procure that the MANAGEMENT COMPANY shall remain an entity fully liable to tax in the Isle of Man under the taxation laws of the Isle of Man by reason of its domicile, residence and place of incorporation and that the MANAGEMENT COMPANY shall not become tax resident in any jurisdiction other than the Isle of Man. 每一位股东承诺,它将在合理可能的范围内和在它的权限内,保证管理公司始终是由于它的住所、居所和法人成立地,根据马恩岛税收征管法律,在该岛完全承担纳税义务的实体,而且管理公司不得在马恩岛以外的任何司法管辖区域内成为纳税居民。