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单词:approach [əˈprəʊtʃ] ① v.t. & v.i. to move towards or nearer to someone or something 接近; ② v.t.. approach sb for sth / approach sb/sth about (doing) sth 联系,接洽,交涉; ③ v.t. & v.i. if an event or a particular time approaches, or you approach it, it is coming nearer and will happen soon 临近; ④ v.t. 处理,应付;⑤ v.t. & v.i. to be almost equal to something 将近 approach ① n[C] a method of doing something or dealing with a problem 方法,方式; ② n[C] a request from someone, asking you to do something for them 商量,联系,接洽; ③ the approach of sth ……将要到来/发生 ④ [U] movement towards or near to something 接近; 注意:名词approach的第一个义项后面搭配的介词是“to”,采取某种方法通常用动词adopt或take。
例文:[例1] The guard dog began to growl when the burglar was approaching the house. 盗贼接近房子的时候,看家狗咆哮起来。 [例2] The manufacturer’s solicitor is approaching injured customers about finding an amicable solution. 制造商的代理律师正在与受伤的顾客交涉,争取找到友好解决办法。 [例3] With temperature approaching 45°C and humidity 80%, every pedestrian is drenched in sweat. 温度将近摄氏四十五度,湿度将近百分之八十,行人全都大汗淋漓。 [例4] The associate has been racking his brains all day to adopt a different approach to the case. 这位律师绞尽脑汁想了一整天,企图换一种办法办这个案子。 [例5] A continuous hazard analysis approach is necessary during the life and operation of the asset. 在资产的寿命期内和运营期间必须采用一种连续危险分析法。 [例6] We will focus our efforts on access, equity and inclusion, quality and learning outcomes, within a lifelong learning approach. 我们将从终身学习的角度,将工作重心放在获得、公平和包容、质量和学习成果上。 [例7] Yet another eloquent example of the intolerant approach of the occupying authorities to the issues of education is the school history course. 学校历史课程是占领当局采取褊狭的方法处理教育事务的另一个有说服力的事例。 [例8] Where any person is approached in connection with his possible appointment as an arbitrator, he shall disclose any circumstance likely to give rise to justifiable doubts as to his impartiality or independence. 凡与可能被委任为仲裁员的人联系,该人须披露任何有可能导致对其是否具备公正或独立品性产生正当疑虑的情况。 [例9] A problem-based approach will be introduced using cases to reinforce OI diagnosis and treatment skills. 采取以问题为基础的方法,利用案例强化偶然性感染的诊断和治疗技能。 [例10] The completed townhome units will be released in a phased multi-year sell-through approach in conjunction with a tiered pricing system. 已经建成的连排别墅将采取分阶段多年销售方法,配以分层次定价体系投放市场。 [例11] His Honour then turned his attention to an alternative approach to the question of admissibility of evidence with which his Honour was then dealing. 法官大人接下来将注意力转移到他正在处理的证据可采信性问题的替代解决办法上。 [例12] We see no error, either of law or of fact, in the approach taken by his Honour to that matter. 我们没有发现法官大人处理此事的方法存在任何法律或事实上的错误。 [例13] We point out, yet again, that the correct approach for present purposes is one that reads fairly the entirety of the summing-up. Approached in that way, we are wholly unpersuaded that his Honour's relevant directions were unbalanced. We reject the present ground of appeal. 我们再次指出,处理上诉人的上诉理由的正确办法是公正地解读证据总结的全文。由于采用这种办法,完全不能让我们相信法官大人的相关指示有失偏颇。我们拒绝接受这条上诉理由。 approachable [əˈprəʊtʃəbl] adj. 和善 反义词unapproachable [ˌʌnəˈprəʊtʃəbl] adj.
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