英文法律合同中,表达时间或者期间常常会用到“as of”这个词组。大多数英文字典都将这个词组解释为“自某一时间或日期起”(starting from a particular time or date and continuing),但在实际翻译中(尤其是法律文本翻译),“as of”的译法并不仅限于这一种。
总结起来,“as of”在法律文本中的译法可分为以下三种:
This Contract is entered into by and between the Parties as of this 6thday of September, 2022.
In witness whereof, this Agreement has been signed and delivered as of the day first above written by duly authorized representatives of the Buyer and the Seller.
The exchange rate between US Dollars and New Taiwan Dollars shall be the spot rate published by Bank of Taiwan at 11:00 a.m. Taipei Time as of each Payment Day.
以上三个例句中的“as of”相当于普通英语里的“on the date”,相应表述可以分别替换成“on this 6thday of September, 2022”,“on the day first above written”和“on each Payment Day”。
第二,表示“自……某一时间(日期)起”,词义相当于 “as from”。如:
This guarantee will be effective as of the 23rdday of June, 2018.
I, acting in my capacity as President of the Company, have been dulyauthorized to grant this Power of Attorney as of the date hereof.
As promptly as practicable following the end of each Fiscal Year, the Board of Directors shall prepare and mail to each Director a report setting forth as of the end of such Fiscal Year.
For high-tech companies, or unicorns, the average Series A funding as of 2020 is $15.6 million.
实际翻译中容易混淆的是“as of”的第二和第三义项(即“自……起”和“直至,截至……时”)。译者需要结合上下文和逻辑去考虑哪种译法更为合理。此外,译者还可根据时态进行判断,如果时态为过去时或完成时, “as of”通常译为“截至……”,如果是将来时,则往往表示“自……时间/日期起”。