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Court-ordered interim measures 

12A.—(1)  This section is to apply in relation to an arbitration — 

(a) to which this Part applies; and  

(b) irrespective of whether the place of arbitration is in the territory of Singapore.


(2)  Subject to subsections (3) to (6), for the purpose of and in relation to an arbitration referred to in subsection (1), the General Division of the High Court has the same power of making an order in respect of any of the matters set out in section 12(1)(c) to (j) as it has for the purpose of and in relation to an action or a matter in the court. 

[26/2009; 40/2019; 32/2020]

(3)  The General Division of the High Court may refuse to make an order under subsection (2) if, in the opinion of the General Division of the High Court, the fact that the place of arbitration is outside Singapore or likely to be outside Singapore when it is designated or determined makes it inappropriate to make the order.

[26/2009; 40/2019]

(4)  If the case is one of urgency, the General Division of the High Court may, on the application of a party or proposed party to the arbitral proceedings, make such orders under subsection (2) as the General Division of the High Court thinks necessary for the purpose of preserving evidence or assets. 

[26/2009; 40/2019]

(5)  If the case is not one of urgency, the General Division of the High Court is to make an order under subsection (2) only on the application of a party to the arbitral proceedings (upon notice to the other parties and to the arbitral tribunal) made with the permission of the arbitral tribunal or the agreement in writing of the other parties.  

[26/2009; 40/2019]

(6)  In every case, the General Division of the High Court is to make an order under subsection (2) only if or to the extent that the arbitral tribunal, and any arbitral or other institution or person vested by the parties with power in that regard, has no power or is unable for the time being to act effectively.  

[26/2009; 40/2019]

(7)  An order made by the General Division of the High Court under subsection (2) ceases to have effect in whole or in part (as the case may be) if the arbitral tribunal, or any such arbitral or other institution or person having power to act in relation to the subject matter of the order, makes an order which expressly relates to the whole or part of the order under subsection (2).  

[26/2009; 40/2019]



12A.—(1)  本条适用于下列仲裁:

(a) 适用本章规定的仲裁;及

(b) 不论仲裁地是否在新加坡境内的仲裁。


(2) 在不与第(3)款至第(6)款相抵触的情况下,就第(1)款所称的仲裁而言,高等法院普通分庭有权就第12条第(1)款(c)项至(j)项所列诸项事宜发布命令,该权力与其就法院审理的诉讼或事宜发布命令的权力相同。

[26/2009; 40/2019; 32/2020]

(3)  如果高等法院普通分庭认为,指定或确定仲裁地点时,该地点在新加坡境外或很有可能在新加坡境外,因此事实,本庭不适合发布命令,则高等法院普通分庭可以拒绝根据第(2)款发布命令。

[26/2009; 40/2019]

(4)  如案情紧急,高等法院普通分庭可应仲裁程序的一方或拟成为该程序当事人的一方申请,根据第(2)款发布该庭认为保全证据或资产所必需的命令。

[26/2009; 40/2019]

(5)  如案情不紧急,高等法院普通分庭仅在仲裁程序的一方提出申请的情况下,方根据第(2)款发布命令。该方(在通知其他各方和仲裁庭后)经仲裁庭许可或经其他各方书面同意后方可提出申请。

[26/2009; 40/2019]

(6)  在每个案件中,仅当仲裁庭、被各方当事人赋予仲裁权力的任何仲裁机构或其他机构或人员无权或暂时无法有效行事,或者仅在此范围内,高等法院普通分庭方根据第(2)款发布命令。

[26/2009; 40/2019]

(7)  对于高等法院普通分庭根据第(2)款发布的命令,若仲裁庭或者任何有权就该命令标的事项采取行动的仲裁机构或其他机构或人员发布的命令明确涉及高等法院普通分庭所发布的命令的全部或一部分,则高等法院普通分庭发布的命令即告全部或部分失效(视属何种情况而定)。

[26/2009; 40/2019]


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